The W3C Web Annotation Model

Annotorious supports a subset of the W3C Web Annotation model, an open standard for interoperable annotations.

Annotation IDs

Important: Annotorious requires an id on every annotation. The ID can be any alphanumeric string. Annotations created by users will automatically get a globally unique ID in the form #{uuid}.


  "@context": "",
  "id": "#a88b22d0-6106-4872-9435-c78b5e89fede",
  "type": "Annotation",
  "body": [{
    "type": "TextualBody",
    "value": "It's Hallstatt in Upper Austria"
  "target": {
    "selector": {
      "type": "FragmentSelector",
      "conformsTo": "",
      "value": "xywh=pixel:270,120,90,170"
}, { 
  "@context": "",
  "id": "#218d01ff-f077-4cc3-992d-1c81c426e51b",
  "type": "Annotation",
  "body": [{
    "type": "TextualBody",
    "purpose": "tagging",
    "value": "Church"
  "target": {
    "selector": [{
      "type": "SvgSelector",
      "value": "<svg><polygon points='172,160 199,15 223,6 239,132 244,173 285,179 313,208 313,251 218,306 170,290 172,160'></polygon></svg>"