Contributing UI Translations

We want to make the user interface available in as many languages as possible. If you want to help: providing a translation is easy - and because there are not many labeled elements, it’s not a lot of work.

Message Dictionaries

User interface labels are part of recogito-client-core, a JavaScript package for common code shared between Annotorious and RecogitoJS. In this folder you will find messages files, one file for each available translation.

Each messages file is a dictionary of the default English labels and their translations. For example, here’s what the German translation file messages_de.json looks like.

  "Add a comment...": "Kommentar schreiben...",
  "Add a reply...": "Antwort schreiben...",
  "Add tag...": "Tag...",
  "Cancel": "Abbrechen",
  "Close": "Schliessen",
  "Edit": "Bearbeiten",
  "Delete": "Löschen",
  "Ok": "Ok"

To add a new translation

Many thanks in advance! If you have questions, do get in touch via the Annotorious chat on Gitter.

Translations so far

Language Locale Status Dictionary file
Arabic ar Partial messages_ar.json
Czech cs Complete messages_cs.json
Dutch nl Complete messages_nl.json
Finnish fi Complete messages_fi.json
French fr Complete messages_fr.json
Galician gl Complete messages_gl.json
German de Complete messages_de.json
Greek el Complete messages_el.json
Hindi hi Complete messages_hi.json
Italian it Partial messages_it.json
Korean ko Complete messages_ko.json
Portugese pt Complete messages_pt.json
Spanish es Complete messages_es.json
Swedish sv Partial messages_sv.json
Thai th Complete messages_sv.json
Turkish tr Complete messages_sv.json
Urdu ur Complete messages_ur.json

Your language isn’t on this list? Consider contributing!